A.0 Revision History

This section outlines all the changes that have been made to the Virtual File Services documentation (in reverse chronological order).

December 2011

Modified the Section 3.0, User Commands by changing nssRequest to userRequest in all command categories, and added a new command category called listUserSpaceRestrictions (user).

December 2008

Added the Statistics section in Section 1.0, Basic Concepts.

Added the ‘noAccessTime enabled’ to the modifyVolumeInfo in the Section 2.0, manage.cmd Definitions.

Added an ‘action’ variable in the listFileEvents section of the Section 5.0, FileEvents.xml Definitions.

Added addPool, addVolume, poolUpdate, getVolumeInfo, and resetIDs section in the Section 9.0, linux.cmd Definitions.

February 28, 2008

Added the Linux pool snapshot commands to Pool section in the Section 2.0, manage.cmd Definitions.

Renamed the chapter Linux definitions to Section 9.0, linux.cmd Definitions

Added listEvmsVolumes function to Section 2.0, manage.cmd Definitions

Added <noSnapshot> tag to listPools function.

October 17, 2007

Added links in the Preface to the Archive Definitions and linux.cmd Definitions sections.

Added a tip to Section 1.0, Basic Concepts that the CDATA element can be used to pass strings containing special characters.

Updated the description of the allocatedSize element of listPoolSnapshots.

June 27, 2007

Added the poolName and details elements to the Request of listPoolSnapshots.

Changed the Request and Reply formats of setUserSpaceRestriction (user).

February 28, 2007

Added the activatePoolSnapshot, addPoolSnapshot, deactivatePoolSnapshot, getPoolSnapshotInfo, listEvmsVolumes, listPoolSnapshots, removePoolSnapshot, and uidToEquivalentGUIDs commands.

Added an example to addUser and to the context element.

Changed the beginning and ending tags to ndsRequest and ndsReply for Section 4.0, NDS.cmd Definitions.

Marked getAdapterInfo, listAdapters, and getLSSInfo and a few commands listed in Section 2.12, Pool as being implemented only on NetWare and not on Linux.

October 11, 2006

Added a note about the tree name needing to be included in the context element and an example to addTrustee. Also, added the values for the rights element.

Added explanation of the type element to listPartitions (Server).

Added the values for the type element to listVolumes.

Added an example to addTrustee, getFileInfo, modifyInheritedRightsFilter, and scanSalvageableFiles.

Updated the links at the start of Section 8.0, Archive Definitions.

June 21, 2006

Changed the listPartitions command to listPartitions (Server). Also changed the opening tag from partition to partitionInfo.

March 1, 2006

Added navigational links.

October 5, 2005

Added information about what's returned when there's a missing segment in a mirror device to getDeviceInfo2.

Changed the sub-element names of the timeInfo element of setFileInfo.

Transitioned to revised Novell documentation standards.

June 1, 2005

Added the id element to browseUserSpaceRestrictions (user), getUserSpaceRestriction (user), and setUserSpaceRestriction (user).

Added the mountPoint, mountPointRename, and nameSpace elements to modifyVolumeInfo.

Made minor edits.

March 2, 2005

Added Section 9.0, linux.cmd Definitions and the following Linux commands: poolIDToName, userIDToName, volumeIDFileIDToPath, and volumeIDToName.

Added addQuota and scanSalvageableFiles. Obsoleted the former addQuota (obsolete) function.

Updated the elements and their descriptions for purgeDeletedFile, salvageDeletedFile, and setFileInfo.

Added the volumeName element and its description to getFileInfo. Added the dstParentFullPath element and its description to salvageDeletedFile. Added the parentFullPath and volumeName elements and their descriptions to scanSalvageableFiles.

Added segmentID, majorVersion, minorVersion, partitionType, mountPoint, hasSYS, bootable, restripeEnabled, remirrorEnabled, mirrorActive, and mirrorStatus to getDeviceInfo2.

Added the name and id elements to scanSalvageableFiles.

Updated the directoryQuota element and added a description for the effectiveRights element to getFileInfo.

Updated the examples in getUserSpaceRestriction (user) and setUserSpaceRestriction (user).

October 6, 2004

Made multiple changes for Linux users.

Added the Archive Definitions and Section 1.4.1, eDirectory Name Formats sections.

Added addPartition2, listPartitions, and modifyPartition.

Added the volumeReadAhead element to getVolumeInfo and modifyVolumeInfo, added maintenance as a possible returned state to getState, and added the type attribute to listDevices (Server).

Changed listAdapter to listAdapters.

Updated the reply information of listMultiPaths.

Rewrote the Preface section to include where to find additional information about Virtual File Services.

June 9, 2004

Added the volumePassword element to addVolume and the volumeEncrypted element to getVolumeInfo. Added the noDFSGUID to addTraditionalVolume and addVolume. Also, added the following information on encrypted volumes:

Added Section 1.8, Junctions and the following related functions: createLink, deleteLink, modifyLink, and readLink.

Added Section 2.18, Volume MN Operations, changeJobState, createJob, getJobList, getJobStatus, and listSkippedFiles.

Added lookup, added user and password elements to startRepair, and added lots of example responses to getVLDBInfo in Section 2.16, VLDB.

Added getDeviceInfo2 and listDevicePartitions in Section 2.6, Device, getPartitionInfo to Section 2.11, Partition, removeRAID2 in Section 2.13, RAID, removePool2 and renamePoolSnapshot in Section 2.12, Pool, initDFSGUIDs in Section 2.7, DFS, and getServerConfiguration (AFP) and setServerConfiguration (AFP) in Section 2.1, AFP.

Added addContext, addDomainACL, addShare, createContextList, createDomain, deleteDomain, findContext, getCreateContextListStatus, getDomainConfiguration, getImportWindowsUsersStatus, getServerConfiguration, getShareProperties, importWindowsUsers, joinDomain, leaveDomain, listContexts, listDomainControllers, listImportedUsers, listShares, modifyContextList, modifyShare, removeContext, removeShare, setDomainConfiguration, and setServerConfiguration in Section 2.4, CIFS.

Updated createNewService to include new elements and added deleteService.

Added the objectID and name elements to renameDevice.

Added the immediatePurge element to the attributes section of the getFileInfo response. Also, changed the name of the compressImmediatePurge element to compressImmediate.

February 18, 2004

In response to customer feedback, added the Section 1.6.1, Freeze and Thaw Functionality section and subsections on the Freeze and Thaw events. Also, added the Remarks section to poolFreeze.

Added volume and server inventory information in Section 7.0, Inventory.xml Definitions.

Added browseUserSpaceRestrictions (user), getUserSpaceRestriction (user), setUserSpaceRestriction (user), getAllEffectiveRights, and removeAllTrustees.

Updated getFileInfo to add the directoryQuota and getEffectiveRightsByUser information.

June 2003

Added documentation for salvageDeletedFile and purgeDeletedFile.

Added the removable element to the nssReply of listDevices and added the updateVLDB element to the nssRequest of addVolume, addTraditionalVolume, removeVolume, renameVolume, and salvageVolume.

March 2003

Added EFL XML commands in Section 5.0, FileEvents.xml Definitions.

Added the following new commands: activatePoolSnapshot, addPool2, addPoolSnapshot, addRAID2, deactivatePoolSnapshot, expandPool2, getAdapterInfo, getDeviceInfo, getLSSVolumeInfo, getNDSName (Volume), getPathInfo, getPoolDevices, getPoolSnapshotInfo, getServerFreeSpace, listAdapters, listDevices, listDevicePools, listMultiPaths, listPoolSnapshots, listPools, removePoolSnapshot, renameDevice, and renameRAID.

Added the following freeze/thaw commands: poolFreeze, poolFreezeStatus, and poolThaw.

Updated the description of the ignoreShareState element in the Request for Pools' modifyState and added a new pool type (segments) to getPoolInfo.

September 2002

Updated getPoolInfo , listVolumes, and getTraditionalVolumeInfo.

May 2002

Added more complete element descriptions and command examples.

February 2002

Added commands for clustering operations, see addPool and getDefaultClusterNames.

Added example to Section 1.2, VFS vs Traditional File System Access.

Rewrote Section 2.0, manage.cmd Definitions to include closing XML tags and coordinating request and reply commands within the same section.

September 2001

Added as a new NDK component.