7.0 Inventory.xml Definitions

NetWare® Remote Manager (NRM) Storage Resource Managment (SRM) files track inventory changes and uses the following files:


Reading the NRMServerInventory.xml file causes NRM to generate an inventory for each volume and then combine each volume’s inventory into a server inventory.

By generating a server inventory, you cause XML inventory files to be generated for each volume (see Volume_Inventory.xml and Volume_Trustees.xml). However, if an inventory was generated in the last hour, that inventory is used (rather than generating a new inventory). With this functionality, you can start an inventory and come back later to process that inventory’s data.

When you first read the data, the Inventory_Status tags might indicate “Scanning,” which tells you that NRM is currently generating the inventory. Keep trying until you receive a Done status. By processing inventories in this manner, you can asynchronously inventory multiple servers without having to wait for each inventory to complete (and without blocking any threads).