
Creates a link to a junction.




   <result value=" ">



Specifies the link file to be created.




Specifies an error value or 0 (for no error).


Specifies a text description of the result.


When you create a junction, the target volume needs to be identified by either a DFS GUID, an eDirectory Volume object, or an eDirectory NCP Server object and Host Resource Name (or the physical volume name). Supply only one of these forms. The combination of an eDirectory NCP Server object and Host Resource Name applies only to NetWare 6 or later. Other forms can be used to create a junction to a pre NetWare 6 server.

For NetWare 6.5 SP1, the managementContext element is required.

For NetWare 6.5 SP2, the managementContext element is option if ndsVolume or volumeInfo is used. If the managementContext field is not supplied, the server that is creating the junction determines the context from the ndsObject or server elements that you supplied in the request. If the managementContext element is supplied with one of these forms, the supplied value is used and the server does not need to determine the context.


         <junction>          <!-- Creating a junction -->
               <tgtTree>novell_inc</tgtTree># optional
               <tgtTree>novell_inc</tgtTree># optional
         <symlink>            <!-- Creating a symbolic link -->
         <unc>                <!-- Creating a UNC link -->
         <url>                <!-- Creating a URL link -->