jmqutil - The JMS Destination Utility

The jmqutil program is a generic utility used to create or delete destinations in a JMS server.


jmqutil <option>
where commands and options include:
    -help                         print out this message
    -verbose                      run in verbose mode
    -createTopic (or -ct) <name>  create a new topic with the specified name
    -createQueue (or -cq) <name>  create a new queue with the specified name
    -deleteTopic (or -dt) <name>  delete the topic with the specified name
    -deleteQueue (or -dq) <name>  delete the queue with the specified name
    -prop <name> <value>          specify destination property
    -user <user>                  user name when connecting to server
    -password <pass>              password when connecting to server
    -host <host>                  server host (default is localhost)
    -port <port>                  server port (default is 53506)


The jmqutil program is a utility for managing JMS destinations. It is an administrative utility that can be used to create and destroy JMQ destinations.



Prints out the command syntax.


Run the utility in verbose mode.

-createTopic topicName

Create a new topic with the specified topic name.

-ct topicName

Same as -createTopic.

-createQueue queueName

Create a new queue with the specified queue name.

-cq queueName

Same as -createQueue.

-deleteTopic topicName

Delete the topic with the specified topic name.

-dt topicName

Same as -deleteTopic.

-deleteQueue queueName

Delete the queue with the specified queue name.

-dq queueName

Same as -deleteQueue.

-prop name value

Specifies a value for a particular destination property. This argument can be specified multiple times on the command line. For a list of valid destination properties, please refer to the JMQDestinationAdmin class.

-user username

Use username when creating a connection to the JMS server.

-password password

Use password when creating a connection to the JMS server.

-host hostname

Manage destination at the JMS server running on the host specified in hostname.

-port portNumber

Manage destination at the JMS server running on the port specified in portNumber.


It is possible to pass arguments to the JVM using the -J flag. In order to set the heap size to 250 MB, the following command line may be used:

   jmqutil -J-Xms250m -ct myTopic

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