listnc - The Namespace Browser

The listnc utility lists the contents of a Naming Context.


listnc [options] [-context] <path-from-root-context>
where options include:
    -J<runtime flag>    Pass argument to the java interpreter
    -listIORs           List the IORs of the Objects
    -max <integer>      Specify the maximum Bindings to display


The listnc utility lists the contents of a NamingConetxt specified by the given path. The root of the Namespace is determined by using orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService").



Used to pass runtime flags to the Java interpreter/runtime. For example, in conjunction with the -D option, it sets a Java System property. Muliple -J arguments can be used to specify more than one runtime flags.


Specifies that the utility should print out the IORs of the objects bound in the naming context.

-max maxNumber

Specifies the maximum number of bindings of the NamingContext that should be displayed.

-context pathFromRootContext

Specifies the path from the root context. The path components are separated by slashes ("/"). The id and kind fields of a COS Name component are separeted using a period ("."). For example, the path /a/b/c.d will be parsed to a Cos Name [{"a",""},{"b",""},{"c", "d"}], where a {} denote a NameComponent, and the [] denotes a full compound Name.


If the JBROKER_INITIAL_URL environment variable is set, then its value is used to locate the NameService initial reference. For example on Win32:

   set JBROKER_INITIAL_URL=iiopboot://godel:1567

will make the listnc utility look for the Name Service running on port 1567 on host godel.

Note: This can also be achieved by using -J-DORBDefaultInitRef=iiopboot://hubble:1567 as one of the parameter to chngserv and is actually preferred to setting an environment property.


godel% listnc -J-DORBDefaultInitRef=iiopboot://hubble -listIORs / 
    Id                  Kind    Context IOR a
    --                  ----    ------- --- 
    secureBank                  false   IOR:010000001500000049444C3A706F6142616E 

    discoverable                false   IOR:010000002C000000524D493A646973636F76 

    hello                       false   IOR:0100000027000000524D493A68656C6C6F57 

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