The SilverStream Server maintains most of its properties in the internal AgProperties system table (for more information, see SilverStream System Tables and URLs). You set these properties using the SMC or the Administration API (you don't access AgProperties directly).
However, some properties are needed at server startup time and are therefore stored externally so they are available when the server starts. SilverStream stores these properties in the httpd.props
configuration file, which is located in the silverstream\resources
directory on your system. You can change these settings either by modifying the httpd.props
file or by using the SMC, which updates the httpd.props
file when the change is saved.
Always stop the server before editing the file. You can use the Stop button in the SMC. For more information, see Shutting down the SilverStream Server.
NOTE SilverStream recommends that, whenever possible, you make changes in the SMC rather than in the httpd.props
The following properties appear in the default httpd.props
file and are listed in alphabetical order. There are additional httpd.props
properties that are optional and rarely used. They do not appear in the following table, but are described in the appropriate sections of the documentation.
NOTE All property names begin with http-server.
Prints debug messages for business objects to the server console. The number assigned (1-6) represents the level of verbosity for the messages. Enter "0" to disable. | ||
Whether to update databases from SilverStream 2.5 when starting the server | ||
Prints debug messages for client connections to the server console. The number assigned (1-5) represents the level of verbosity for the messages. Enter "0" to disable. | ||
Whether to listen on HTTP port. Default is true, meaning that the server listens on the HTTP port. False means that the server will not listen on the HTTP port. | ||
The HTTPS DSA port. At initialization time, the server will bind its accepting socket to the host it runs on, and to the provided port. The server will use a DSA/Diffie-Hellman certificate and encryption algorithms for SSL on this port. | ||
The HTTPS RSA port. At initialization time, the server will bind its accepting socket to the host it runs on, and to the provided port. The server will use an RSA certificate and encryption algorithms for SSL on this port. | ||
Whether to turn on classloader-related debugging messages, which display in the Server console. Values range from 1 to 5; 5 gives the most detail. Enter 0 to disable. | ||
Whether to log every standard http client request to the server | ||
The name of the error log file (if you are logging to a file) | ||
The name of the http log file (if you are logging to a file) | ||
Location of internal sminit.props file, used by SilverMasterInit (do not edit this file) | ||
Prints debug messages for SQL database calls to the server console. The number assigned (1-5) represents the level of verbosity for the messages. Enter 0 to disable. | ||
Whether the SilverStream Server when run as an NT service will log output to System.out and System.err
| ||
The file to which the SilverStream Server when run as an NT service will log output to System.out and System.err (if the property system.out.log.allowed is True)
| ||
The database URL. The driver uses it to connect to the SilverMaster database. The URL is driver-specific. See your driver documentation for more information. | ||
Any extra attributes to set for the JDBC driver. The syntax is driver-specific. See your driver documentation for more information. |