14.1 Minimum Requirements

  • Any 64-bit multi-core processor Windows workstation with the .NET 4.7.2 framework.

    Note that significant analytic workloads with the Data Analytics tool might be directly impacted by the number and speed of available cores.

  • A DirectX 10 compatible graphics card required for use with the Data Analytics tool.

  • Report Viewer: Minimum of 8 GB RAM.

    Depending on the size of report loading, exporting, and processing, this number might need to be significantly increased.

  • Data Analytics: Minimum of 12 GB RAM

    Note that for the Data Analytics tool, a minimum of about 1KB per scan data entry (or 1GB per million entries) is required. Depending on the type of analysis, such as Pivot Grid, and the number of entries in a single scan, this number might need to be significantly increased.

  • Minimum of 250 MB disk space.

  • Report Designer and Data Analytics users must be members of the SrsAdmins group.