3.6 Get global settings (zone_config)

The zone config resource contains system settings defined by the administrator for the authenticated user.

3.6.1 Resource Representations


  "enabled": boolean,
  "user_default": integer,
  "highwater_percentage": integer


   "mode": string ("none", "whitelist" or "blacklist"),
   "email_list": [ string ],
   "domain_list": [ string ]


  "id": long,
  "guid": string,
  "disk_quotas": DiskQuotasConfig Resource,
  "desktop_app_config": DesktopAppConfig Resource,
  "mobile_app_config": MobileAppConfig Resource,
  "file_upload_size_limit: long,
  "allow_sharing_with_ldap_groups": boolean,
  "external_sharing_restrictions": ExternalSharingRestrictions Resource

3.6.2 Get Settings

To get the user's system settings, use the zone_config related link (href: "/zone_config") from the root REST resource:

> curl -k -u dlewis:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest/zone_config
