3.9 What’s New (recent_activity)

The "recent_activity" related link can be used to get folder entries that have changed recently.  To get site-wide recent activity, use the root rest object's "recent_activity" link.

> curl -k -u dlewis:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest


The response contains a SearchResultList of RecentActivityEntry objects.  A RecentActivityEntry is a FolderEntry with the 2 most recent replies to that folder entry included.

> curl -k -u dlewis:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest/workspaces/1/recent_activity?count=5

      "title":"Re: test.txt",
        "text":"I made a few more changes",
      "title":"Re: test.txt",
        "text":"I made a few more changes",

Each binder object, including the top level folders such as My Files (-100) and Shared with Me (-101), also has a "recent_activity" related link that can be used to get recently changed folder entries in that particular location.