3.10 Searching (library_entities)

The "library_entities" related link can be used to search for files and folders by keyword.  To search the entire site, use the root rest object's "library_entities" link.

> curl -k -u dlewis:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest


The following query parameters are supported:

  • recursive: whether to search a single level (false) or the entire sub-tree (true).

  • binders: whether to include binders in the results.

  • folder_entries: whether to include folder entries in the results.

  • files: whether to include files in the results.

  • replies: whether to include replies in the results.

  • keyword: search term.  May include wildcards (*, ?), but not as the first character in the keyword ("Test*" is allowed but "*Test" is not).

The response is a SearchResultList of BinderBrief and FileProperties objects. 

> curl -k -u dlewis:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest/workspaces/1/library_entities?recursive=true&keyword=H*


Each binder object, including the top level folders such as My Files (-100) and Shared with Me (-101), also has a "library_entities" related link that can be used to search that particular location.