NONE, VIEWER, EDITOR, CONTRIBUTOR and ACCESS. Not all values are allowed in every context where Access objects are used.]]> folder, folderEntry, user and group.]]> Allowed values are:
  • none: there are no domain or email restrictions for users with rights to share with external users.
  • whitelist: users with external sharing rights can only share with listed email addresses and email domains.
  • blacklist: users with external sharing rights can share with any email address except those listed.

For assigned permissions, allowed values are:
  • user
  • group

For share recipients, allowed values are:

  • user
  • group
  • external_user
  • public
  • public_link

days_to_expire to the REST API, the server calculates the expiration date and sets expiration accordingly]]> days_to_expire and expiration should be specified.]]> Type can be one of user, group. external_user, public. public_link. If type is public or public_link, ID and hrek are not applicable.

type is external_user.]]>
The recipient can be a user or a group.

The recipient can be a user or a group.

If true, the desktop application will give the user the option to remember his or her password

If false, the desktop application will require the user to log in each time the application starts.

Used to represent LDAP attribute mappings in LDAP User Source configurations


  • home_dir_attribute: The LDAP home directory attribute contains the location of the user's home directory. No other fields are necessary.
  • custom_attribute: A custom LDAP attribute contains the location of the user's home directory. The attribute is defined in the ldap_attribute field.
  • custom_net_folder: User home directories can be found in a custom location defined by net_folder_server and path.
  • none: Home directory net folders are not created.

type is custom_net_folder, this defines the Net Folder Server that hosts the user home directory net folders.]]> type is custom_net_folder, this defines the path on the Net Folder Server where the user home directory net folders reside.]]> type is custom_attribute, this defines the LDAP attribute that contains the location of the user home directory..]]>
Possible values are:

This message may or may not be localized and is generally not suitable to be displayed to the end user.

The only type that is currently supported is "ldap".

Typically cn for eDirectory and sAMAccountName for Active Directory

Typically GUID for eDirectory and objectGUID for Active Directory

These attributes are read and used to populate fields in the imported User object. The key of the mapping is the User field name (ex: firstName, lastName, emailAddress, phone). The value is the LDAP attribute name (ex: givenName, surname, mail, telephoneNumber).

These attributes are read and used to populate fields in the imported User object. The key of the mapping is the User field name (ex: firstName, lastName, emailAddress, phone). The value is the LDAP attribute name (ex: givenName, surname, mail, telephoneNumber).

This must be unique.

This path is relative to the base path defined in the associated Net Folder Server.

This attribute is ignored if inherit_index_content==true

index_content setting should be inherited from the Net Folder Server.]]> This attribute is ignored if inherit_jits_settings==true

This attribute is ignored if inherit_jits_settings==true

This attribute is ignored if inherit_jits_settings==true

This attribute is ignored if inherit_sync_schedule==true

The only supported role in the AssignedRight Access object is ACCESS

The only supported role in the AssignedRight Access object is ACCESS

The name must be unique and cannot be changed once the Net Folder Server has been created.

Can be one of:
  • windows_server
  • oes
  • oes2015
  • netware
  • share_point_2013

Ignored if proxy_use_identity==true

Ignored if proxy_use_identity==true

If true, proxy_identity_id must be set. If false, proxy_dn and proxy_password must be set.

Ignored if proxy_use_identity==false

Allowed values are:
  • kerberos
  • ntlm
  • kerberos_then_ntlm

Possible values are:
  • none
  • ready
  • taken
  • started
  • stopped
  • finished
  • aborted
  • canceled
  • deleting

Related link names include: desktop_application, net_folder_servers, net_folders, personal_storage, public_shares, shares, share_settings, user_sources, user_source_sync, user_source_sync_config, web_application.

Valid time values are 0:15, 0:30, 0:45, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 and 12:00

For absolute times, the minute value is restricted to every 5 minutes (00, 05, 10, ..., 55). Intervals are restricted to 0:15, 0:30, 0:45, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 and 12:00.

disable and delete.]]> removed_account_action is delete]]>