10.3 Configuration

Blueprint requires some configuration before reports can be sent successfully.

10.3.1 Configuration Overview

Items you will need to enable or set will include:

  • Enable Send Blueprint Reports via Email

  • Set Preferred Internet Domain Name

  • Set Summary Report TO Address

  • Set Summary Report FROM Address

  • Set Users Report TO Address

  • Set Users Report FROM Address

  • Set Resources Report TO Address

  • Set Resources Report FROM Address

  • Enable Blueprint Reporting

10.3.2 Blueprint Configuration

Select the home Configure tab and open the Blueprint panel.

Send Blueprint Reports via Email: will send reports via email to the addresses specified below.

Blueprint Reporting: Enables Blueprint reporting to be active.

10.3.3 General Settings

  1. Set your Preferred Internet Domain Name to your email system.

  2. You may enable Attach HTML Reports to E-mail Messages.

  3. Number of Days for GWCHECK Mailbox Contents Contrast is set to 90 days, by default.

10.3.4 Summary Report Settings

  1. Summary Report TO Address Who should receive the summary.

  2. Summary Report FROM Address This is arbitrary so it can be something easy to understand where it came from.

  3. Send Summary Reports to a CC Recipient This is optional.

  4. Summary Report CC Address An additional user can receive a copy of the report.

10.3.5 Users Report Settings

  1. Users Report TO Address Who should receive the summary.

  2. Users Report FROM Address This is arbitrary so it can be something easy to understand where it came from.

  3. Send Users Reports to a CC Recipient This is optional.

  4. Users Report CC Address An additional user can receive a copy of the report.

10.3.6 Resources Report Settings

  1. Resources Report TO Address Who should receive the summary.

  2. Resources Report FROM Address This is arbitrary so it can be something easy to understand where it came from.

  3. Send Resources Reports to a CC Recipient This is optional.

  4. Resources Report CC Address An additional user can receive a copy of the report.

10.3.7 Advanced Settings

Personal Mailbox Reports

These are reports Blueprint will send to each user.

  • Send Mailbox Reports to Active Users You may enable or disable this feature here.

  • Personal Mailbox Report FROM Address Set the email address the report is sent from.

  • Send Only To Users in The Inclusion List Limit reports to included users. The inclusion list is a simple ASCII text file saved as:


  • Exclude Users in The Exclusion List exclude users from the report. The exclusion list is a simple ASCII text file saved as:


  • Include Custom Message in Personal Mailbox Reports Add a custom message text. A custom message can be added to the Personal Mailbox Report email, perhaps to warn a user they are reaching their storage limit.

  • Custom Message Text File The location of the custom message test file. Be default, the custom message is saved as:


Threshold Highlighting

Reports can highlight when users exceed certain thresholds. The colors are set by HTML color codes.

Highlight "All Mailbox & Calendar Items" Over a Certain Threshold Enables or disables this feature

All Mailbox and Calendar Items:

  • "All Mailbox & Calendar Items" Warning Threshold (in Bytes).

  • "All Mailbox & Calendar Items" Error Threshold (in Bytes).

  • Highlight "All Mailbox & Calendar Items" Over a Certain Threshold - Normal Highlight Color.

  • Highlight "All Mailbox & Calendar Items" Over a Certain Threshold - Warning Highlight Color.

  • Highlight "All Mailbox & Calendar Items" Over a Certain Threshold - Error Highlight Color.

  • Highlight "All Items Under X Days" Over a Certain Threshold.

All Items Under X Days:

  • "All Items Under X Days" Warning Threshold (in Bytes).

  • "All Items Under X Days" Error Threshold (in Bytes).

  • Highlight "All Items Under X Days" Over a Certain Threshold - Normal Highlight Color.

  • Highlight "All Items Under X Days" Over a Certain Threshold - Warning Highlight Color.

  • Highlight "All Items Under X Days" Over a Certain Threshold - Error Highlight Color.

  • Highlight "All Items Over X Days" Over a Certain Threshold.

All Items Over X Days:

  • "All Items Over X Days" Warning Threshold (in Bytes).

  • "All Items Over X Days" Error Threshold (in Bytes).

  • Highlight "All Items Over X Days" Over a Certain Threshold - Normal Highlight Color.

  • Highlight "All Items Over X Days" Over a Certain Threshold - Warning Highlight Color.

  • Highlight "All Items Over X Days" Over a Certain Threshold - Error Highlight Color.