5.21 Retain Integration

Retain archives best when archiving the items directly. However, as an alternative to archiving messages directly from GroupWise, Reload can run a POA that Retain can archive from. This is useful for archiving data from unstable GroupWise servers or dealing with archiving from tape backups. This is different from the Reload for Retain product which backs up the Retain server to the Reload server.

This feature sets up a POA that is active almost all the time for Retain to connect to archive from, except for short periods as Reload switches to the latest backup.

5.21.1 Prerequisites

Since this requires running a POA, it is best to bind an extra IP address to the server for the Retain POA or you will need to make sure to change the POA settings in such a way that it does not interfere with the Access Mode POA or Disaster Recovery POA.

There must be an existing Post Office Profile and backup in place.

5.21.2 Reload Setup

Retain Integration is setup on a per Profile basis. Each Post Office Profile will have to be configured to use this feature.

On the Reload server, go to Reload Administration by running:


    Then go to Profiles | Post Office Profile

  • Select the desired profile

  • Select "Advanced Profile Configuration Menu"

  • Select "Retain Integration Settings"

  • Select "Retain to Reload Integration Configuration Wizard"

    • Enter the GroupWise Post Office name

    • Enter the GroupWise Domain name

    • Enter the Retain Worker Password (This can be set in the Retain Console, by default it is the Retain admin password)

    • Enter the IP address and ports the Retain POA will bind to. If this POA will be sharing the IP address with any other Reload POA, the Client, SOAP, and HTTP connection ports must be unique to avoid port conflicts. Reload should be installed on a machine other than the live POA server, but the standard ports are usually best used for one of the other Reload POAs, (Disaster, Restore, and Access). Pick a port for each connection which you know is open. Retain will pull all necessary connection information from the Reload server. There is no need to enter these settings into the Retain Server.

    • To mitigate the chances of getting Retain Worker archive errors while working against a Reload POA, it is STRONGLY recommended that Reload is set to create highly consistent backups. This setting is located at Main menu | Profiles | (Select Profile) |Standard | Advanced | Consistency: Set to highest.

5.21.3 Retain Setup

On the Retain Web Console:

  • Set the worker password:

    • This can be set in the Retain Web Console under Workers | <desired worker> | Connection tab, by default it is the Retain admin password

    • If the password is changed, the Worker bootstrap will need to be updated.

    • To remove an existing Worker bootstrap:

      • On the Retain server, stop tomcat

      • Navigate to /opt/beginfinite/retain/RetainWorker/WEB-INF/cfg/ or wherever the worker is stored and remove RetainWorker2.cfg

      • Start tomcat

  • Create a Profile for use with Reload:

    • Set the Scope "Date Range to Scan":

    • If using Retain 4.1 or higher: set to New Items stores which items have been archived internally.

    • If using Retain or lower: set to Publish all messages newer than last stored message (fast) and the "Set Storage Flags" must be set to "Item Store Flag"

  • Create a Job as normal with Schedule, Profile, and Worker:

    • Under the Reload tab:

      • Set "Enable Reload Integration"

      • Set "Server Protocol" http or https

      • Set "Server Host Name" to the Reload server hostname or IP address

      • Set "Server Port", default 5555

    • Select Mailboxes to dredge

Now the job will dredge the Reload server rather than the GroupWise server.