Messenger 18 SP3 Bug Fix List
Bug Fixes:
B-125488: Added summary info for NSS/Clustering to viewSummary screen and fixed improper output in NSS configuration.
B-126259: Changed install permissions on; removed permission changes during runtime.
B-126779: Added LDAP DN fixup to both MARS and defobjs so that proper syncing and authentication can be done with GroupWise 18.1
D-89403 : Fixed 3 issues with regarding cluster installations:
- Use g_runas instead of $LUM_USER when assigning rights.
- Don't prompt for runas until after we've read in the defaults.
- Use the correct context in creating the trustee DNs so that rights can be properly set.
1113033: Fixed and issue with iOS push notifications.
Updated version to 18.0.3.
Updated the json libraries for Linux.
Added updated parsing logging to try to track down parsing errors.