
Customizes the display appearance of folder contents in the GroupWise client. See also DisplaySettingsSet(), DisplaySettingsSetEx(), DisplaySettingsSetEx2(), and DisplaySettingsSetEx3().

Token ID



VOID DisplaySettingsSetEx4(
     ANSISTRING FolderName; 
     [ANSISTRING] SettingsName; 
     [ANSISTRING] SettingsDesc; 
     [ENUM] FolderListPerFolder;
     [ENUM] ShowFolderList;
     [ENUM] ShowFavoritesFolderList;
     [ENUM] ShowSimpleFolderList;
     [ENUM] ShowFullFolderList;
     [ENUM] QuickViewerPerFolder;
     [ENUM] ShowQuickViewer;
     [ENUM] ViewMode;
     [ENUM] ItemSourceIncoming;
     [ENUM] ItemSourceOutgoing;
     [ENUM] ItemSourcePersonal;
     [ENUM] ItemSourceDraft;
     [ENUM] ItemTypeAppointment;
     [ENUM] ItemTypeDocument;
     [ENUM] ItemTypeMail;
     [ENUM] ItemTypePhone;
     [ENUM] ItemTypeNote;
     [ENUM] ItemTypeTask;
     [ENUM] ContactTypePerson; 
     [ENUM] ContactTypeGroup;
     [ENUM] ContactTypeResource;
     [ENUM] ContactTypeOrganization;
     [DWORD] FilterDaysForward;
     [DWORD] FilterDaysBackward;
     [ENUM] ShowGroupLables;
     [ENUM] NoColumnsSummary;
     [ENUM] MsgPreview;
     [ENUM] HideNonTasklistItems;
     [ENUM] HideCompletedItems;
     [DWORD] PanelColumnCount;
     [ANSISTRING] SortFieldName;
     [ENUM] SortOrder;
     [ENUM] Column00;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName00;
     [Word] ColumnWidth00;
     [ENUM] Column01;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName01;
     [Word] ColumnWidth01;
     [ENUM] Column02;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName02;
     [Word] ColumnWidth02;
     [ENUM] Column03;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName03;
     [Word] ColumnWidth03;
     [ENUM] Column04;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName04;
     [Word] ColumnWidth04;
     [ENUM] Column05;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName05;
     [Word] ColumnWidth05;
     [ENUM] Column06;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName06;
     [Word] ColumnWidth06;
     [ENUM] Column07;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName07;
     [Word] ColumnWidth07;
     [ENUM] Column08;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName08;
     [Word] ColumnWidth08;
     [ENUM] Column09;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName09;
     [Word] ColumnWidth09;
     [ENUM] Column10;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName10;
     [Word] ColumnWidth10;
     [ENUM] Column11;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName11;
     [Word] ColumnWidth11;
     [ENUM] Column12;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName12;
     [Word] ColumnWidth12;
     [ENUM] Column13;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName13;
     [Word] ColumnWidth13;
     [ENUM] Column14;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName14;
     [Word] ColumnWidth14;
     [ENUM] Column15;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName15;
     [Word] ColumnWidth15;
     [ENUM] Column16;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName16;
     [Word] ColumnWidth16;
     [ENUM] Column17;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName17;
     [Word] ColumnWidth17;
     [ENUM] Column18;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName18;
     [Word] ColumnWidth18;
     [ENUM] Column19;
     [ANSISTRING] ColumnFieldName19;
     [Word] ColumnWidth19)


FolderListPerFolder As ENUM


  • 0 No. This folder will use the global settings for displaying the folder list control.
  • 1 Yes. This folder will use it’s own settings for determining whether or not to show the folder control independent of the global settings.
ShowFolderList As ENUM


  • 0 No, Hide the folder list.
  • 1 Yes. Show the folder list.
ShowFavoritesFolderList As ENUM


  • 0 No. Hide the favorites folder list.
  • 1 Yes. Show the favorites folder list.
ShowSimpleFolderList As ENUM


  • 0 No. Hide simple folder list.
  • 1 Yes. Show the simple folder list.
ShowFullFolderList As ENUM


  • 0 No. Hide the full folder list.
  • 1 Yes. Show the full folder list.
ViewMode As ENUM


  • 1 Calendar
  • 2 Conversation
  • 3 Details
  • 4 Tasklist
  • 5 Panels
  • 6 AddressCard
MsgPreview As ENUM


  • 0 No. Do not display the message preview.
  • 1 Yes. Display a two line preview of the message body in the item list.
HideNonTasklistItems As ENUM

(Optional) This was renamed from HideNonChecklistItems in the DisplaySettingsSetEx3 token but is functionally equivalent.

  • 0 No
  • 1 Yes
HideCompletedItems As ENUM


  • 0 No. Do not hide completed items.
  • 370 Immediately. Hide completed items as soon as they are marked completed.
  • 371 AfterADay. Hide completed items on the day following the day on which they were marked completed.
PanelColumnCount As DWORD

The number of columns to display in the panels view.