6.1 Planning Your GroupWise Messenger System

The Messenger Installation program helps you install and set up your Messenger system. The Installation program also provides information to guide you through the process.

Review the following sections while filling out GroupWise Messenger Worksheet. The worksheet lists the information you are prompted for as you run the Installation program.

6.1.1 Planning the Messenger Agent Migration

The following sections prepare you to supply the information required when migrating Messenger:

Old Messenger System Information

The Messenger migration connects to your old Messenger system to migrate the objects stored in eDirectory to the new database. You need to know the following information about your old Messenger system so the migration can migrate your users and configuration:

  • IP address eDirectory server where your Messenger system is stored.

  • Port number used by the eDirectory server.

  • If your eDirectory LDAP server is using SSL, you need a copy of the Trusted Root certificate so the migration can connect to the LDAP server. You can use iManager to export the Trusted Root certificate using the steps found in Exporting a Trusted Root or Public Key Certificate in the NetIQ Certificate Server Administration Guide.

    IMPORTANT:The certificate must be in DER or B64 format with a .der or .b64 extension.

  • The Directory Name of your Messenger system in eDirectory. This is the main directory in eDirectory where the Messenger objects are stored. You need the full path to the Messenger system. An example of the Messenger Directory Name is as follows:

  • A user name and password of a user that has rights to read all the objects in the Messenger system and has read rights to the Messenger users.


Under Messenger System Objects MessengerService server_name, specify the LDAP server, if you are using SSL, the port, root SSL certificate, DN for the Messenger system, and user DN and password to connect to old Messenger system.

Agent Network Address

The Messenger Installation program obtains the IP address and DNS hostname of the server where you want to install the Messenger agents based on the agent software location you provide. If the server has multiple IP addresses and DNS hostnames associated with it, you can specify different information from what the installation program obtained automatically. You can also have the services bind to that IP address if you desire.

If you are using IPV6 for your Messenger agents, you must use the DNS hostname instead of the IP address for the agents.


Under Agents IP address Bind (Y/N), list the IP address or DNS hostname of the server where you want to install the Messenger agents. Also specify if you want to bind the agents to that address.

SSL for Agents and Database

The agents and the database are configured with the same certificates. You can use your own certificates for the server or you can have Messenger configure the certificates. If you decide to have Messenger configure your certificates, you need to specify the DNS name or IP address that you want used for the certificate.

When using external certificates, you need to have the certificates on the Messenger server and point to them during the migration. If your external certificates are self-signed, then you need to enable weak certificates during the migration for them to work or the agents and database will not run.


Under Security Configuration: Internal or External Certificate? Internal: Hostname or IP address for certificate: External: Certificate file: Key file: Key password: Allow self-signed certs: Specify if you are using internal or external certificates. If you are using external, specify the path to the certificate files. If you are using external self-signed certificates, weak certificates needs to be enabled. If you are using internal certificates, specify the DNS name or IP address you want to be used for the certificate.

Under Server Certificate path, specify the path to store the SSL certificates if you do not want to use the default.

6.1.2 Planning the Messenger Database Configuration

The Messenger database stores all of the Messenger objects. When you install Messenger, you are prompted for a database password and port. The database password is only created once and cannot be changed after the installation. Do not lose the database password. The default port is 8320.


Under Database password, specify the password to by used by the database.

IMPORTANT:This password cannot be recovered or changed after the installation, so do not lose the password.

Under Database Port, specify the port for the database to use if you do not want to use the default.

6.1.3 Planning the MARS Configuration

MARS is the Messenger Admin Rest Service. The user name, password, and port specified here are used by GroupWise to connect to and manage Messenger. The default user name is GWAdmin. The default port is 8315.


Under MARS Configuration Username: <GWAdmin> Password: Port: <8315>, specify the user name, password, and port if you do not want to use the default user name and port. You must specify a password.