12.4 Enabling GroupWise/Vibe Integration for GroupWise Windows Client Users

Before you can integrate GroupWise and Vibe, your Vibe site must be set up, as described in the Novell Vibe 3.2 Installation Guide.

  1. In ConsoleOne, browse to and select a Domain object, Post Office object, or User object where you want to make Vibe available to GroupWise Windows client users.

  2. Click Tools > GroupWise Utilities > Client Options.

  3. Click Environment > Vibe.

    Novell Vibe Environment Options dialog box
  4. Select Enable Novell Vibe.

  5. Provide the Vibe URL:

    1. Specify the fully qualified IP address or DNS hostname of the Vibe server:


      For example:


      ConsoleOne provides the rest of the default Vibe URL, which uses a secure HTTPS connection, assumes the default port number, and includes the default location for the Vibe Web service that communicates with other applications:

    2. (Conditional) If you want to use HTTP instead of HTTPS, include it in the Novell Vibe URL field, for example:

    3. (Conditional) If Vibe is not configured with the default HTTPS port, include the port number after the hostname, for example:

    4. (Conditional) If Vibe is not installed in the default location, include the path to TeamingServiceV1, for example:

  6. Click OK.

IMPORTANT:In order for GroupWise users to take advantage of GroupWise/Vibe integration, they must provide their GroupWise email address in their Vibe profile.