2.1 Installing Novell Cluster Services on Linux

Install Novell Cluster Services on OES Linux by following the instructions provided in the Novell Cluster Services Administration Guide for Linux for your version of OES Linux.

The cluster installation process includes:

As you install Novell Cluster Services on Linux, record key information about the cluster on the System Clustering Worksheet:


Under Item 1: eDirectory Tree for Cluster, record the name of the eDirectory tree where the new Cluster object has been created.

Under Item 2: Cluster Name, record the name of the Cluster object that you created for your GroupWise system.

Under Item 3: Cluster Context, record the full context of the Cluster object.

Under Item 4: Nodes in Cluster, list the nodes that you have added to the cluster. Include the file system information about each partition, including file system type (nss, reiserfs, ext3, and so on), device name (sda2, hda1, and so on), and mount point directory (/media/nss, /mnt, /mail, and so on). You need this information when you set up the load and unload scripts for the GroupWise cluster resources.

Under Item 5: Shared Partitions, list the volume names and volume IDs for the shared partitions that are available for use in your GroupWise system. You need this information when you set up the load and unload scripts for the GroupWise cluster resources.

The number of nodes and shared partitions that are available in the cluster strongly influences where you can place GroupWise domains and post offices. You have several alternatives:

If you do not have the system resources to run all of your GroupWise system in a clustering environment, you must decide which parts have the most urgent need for the high availability provided by clustering. Here are some suggestions:

There is no right or wrong way to implement GroupWise in a clustering environment. It all depends on the specific needs of your particular GroupWise system and its users.