Pending operations are the results of administrative operations, such as adding GroupWise objects and modifying GroupWise object properties, that have not yet been permanently written to the appropriate GroupWise databases. While operations are pending, GroupWise data is not in a consistent state.
For example, you can maintain any domain’s objects you have administrative rights over. However, because a secondary domain owns its own objects, any operation you perform from the primary domain on a secondary domain’s objects must be validated by the secondary domain. While the operation is being validated, the Pending Operations dialog box displays object details and the pending operation.
While the operation is pending, the object is marked Unsafe in the primary domain database. The Operation field in the dialog box displays the pending operation. An unsafe object can have other operations performed on it, such as being added to a group; however, the object record is not distributed to other domains and post offices in the system until it is marked Safe.
All pending operations require confirmation that the operation was either successfully performed or could not be performed. If the operation was successful, the pending operation is removed from the list, the record is marked in the database as Safe, and the record is distributed to all other domains and post offices in your system. If the operation could not be performed, the pending operation remains in the list where you can monitor and manage it.
In the GroupWise Admin console, connect to the domain whose pending operations you want to view.
Ensure the agents are running for the domain and/or post office where you are checking for pending operations
Click System > Pending Operations.
While an operation is being validated, the Pending Operations dialog box displays the object and the operation waiting completion and confirmation.
For more detailed information, select the pending operation, then click View.
If conditions on the network have changed so that a pending operation might now succeed, select the pending operation, then click Retry.
If you want to cancel a pending operating that has not yet taken place, select the pending operation, then click Undo.
Click Close when you are finished viewing pending operations.