x86-64 or x86-32 processor
Any of the following server operating systems for the WebAccess Application:
Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES) 11 or Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES) 2015, plus the latest Support Pack
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12 plus the latest support pack
IMPORTANT:SLES 12 is only supported up to SP3. SP4 upgrades Tomcat to version 9 which doesn’t work with WebAccess.
NOTE:On Linux, the X Window System and Open Motif are required by the GUI GroupWise agent server consoles for the Post Office Agent, the Message Transfer Agent, and the Internet Agent.
By default, the GroupWise Linux agents run as services without user interfaces. Starting and stopping the agents when they are running with a user interface is not supported in the GroupWise Administration console.
Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016, plus the latest Service Pack
Adequate server memory as required by the operating system
Adequate server disk space:
Approximately 525 MB (shared with the Calendar Publishing Host Application and the Monitor Application when they are installed on the same web server; varies by platform)
The web server that is supported for your operating system:
x86-64 or x86-32 processor
OES 11 / OES 2015 / SLES 11
Apache 2.2 plus:
Tomcat 6
ModProxy Module
OES11 / OES 2015 / SLES 11: IBM Java 6 Runtime Environment (JRE) or later
SLES 12: OpenJDK 7
A Linux repository should be available when you run the GroupWise Installation Wizard. Apache, Tomcat, the JRE or JDK, and the ModProxy Module are automatically installed from the Linux repository if they are not already present on the Linux server.
If no Linux repository is available during the GroupWise installation, you are prompted to manually install these required components from the Linux media, and then restart the GroupWise installation.
Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 7 or later plus:
Tomcat 6
Oracle Java 6 Runtime Environment (JRE) or later
Jakarta Connector 1.2
Tomcat 6.0.24, Oracle JRE 8, and Jakarta Connector 1.2 are automatically installed along with the GroupWise software if they are not already present on the Windows server.
ISAPI support
ISAPI support is no longer installed by default when you install Windows Server 2008 R2 or later and Internet Information Services (IIS). If ISAPI support was not manually selected when IIS was installed, you can add it after the fact. See
One or more Post Office Agents (POAs) configured for SOAP and secure SSL connections
One or more Document Viewer Agents (DVAs) configured to communicate with the POAs
Any of the following web browsers:
Linux: Mozilla Firefox; Google Chrome
Windows: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 or later; Mozilla Firefox; Google Chrome; Windows Edge
Macintosh: The latest version of Safari for your version of Mac OS; Mozilla Firefox; Google Chrome
Any mobile device that supports Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) and has a microbrowser that supports Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 4.0 or later
Any of the following tablet operating systems and tablets:
Android 4.1, 5.0, or later, with Google Chrome, on any Android device
Apple iOS 7.x, 8.x, or later, with Apple Safari
Kindle Fire, with Amazon Silk
Windows Mobile 8.0 or later Pro, with Microsoft Internet Explorer, on any Windows device (full WebAccess, no template)