11.3 Reconfiguring the Post Office in ConsoleOne

If the connection between Linux and Windows is set up correctly, as described in Step 3 in Preparing for the Post Office Migration, you can use Windows ConsoleOne to perform the reconfiguration of the post office. You can also use Linux ConsoleOne if desired.

  1. In ConsoleOne, disable logins to the post office:

    1. Browse to and right-click the Post Office object, then click Properties.

    2. Click GroupWise > Client Access Settings.

    3. Select Disable Logins, then click Apply to save the setting.

  2. Update the configuration information for the POA:

    1. Browse to and right-click the POA object for the post office, then click Properties.

    2. Click GroupWise > Identification.

    3. In the Platform field, ensure that Linux is selected.

    4. Display the Network Address property page of the POA object.

    5. In the TCP/IP Address field, specify the IP address of the Linux server.

    6. Display the Log Settings property page of the POA object.

    7. Ensure that the Log File Path field is empty so that the POA on Linux creates its log files in the default location (/var/log/novell/groupwise/post_office_name.poa) on the Linux server.

    8. Click OK to save the new configuration information for the POA.

  3. (Conditional) If you are using SSL, update the location for the certificate and key files:

    1. Display the SSL Settings property page of the POA object.

    2. Browse to and select the certificate file and the key file that you created for the Linux server in Step 9 in Performing the Post Office Migration.

    3. Click OK to save the SSL information for the POA.

  4. (Conditional) If you migrated a document storage area to the Linux server in Step 11 in Performing the Post Office Migration, update the location of the document storage area:

    1. Browse to and right-click the Library object, then click Properties.

    2. Click GroupWise > Storage Areas.

    3. Select the storage area that you have migrated, then click Edit.

    4. In the Linux Path field, provide the full path to the storage area from the point of view of the POA running on the Linux server.

    5. Click OK twice to save the storage area information.

  5. Update the location information for the post office:

    1. Display the Identification property page of the Post Office object.

    2. In the UNC Path field, change the path to the location on the Linux server where you copied the post office. For example:


      For a Linux server, ConsoleOne interprets the UNC path as a Linux path. Do not put a Linux path with front slashes in the UNC Path field, because backslashes are expected.

    3. Click OK to save the new path information for the post office.

  6. Check the status of the link between the POA still running on NetWare or Windows and the MTA it communicates with:

    1. At the MTA server console, use Options > Configuration Status.


      At the MTA console, look on the Links page.

      After the ConsoleOne updates that you have just made are processed by the MTA, including the post office location change, the link changes to Closed. The status must show as Closed before you finalize the migration.

  7. Continue with Finalizing the Post Office Migration.