6.8 POP3

Uses a modified version of the Delphi 2.01 POP3 mail example to add POP3 mail messages to your GroupWise mailbox.

This sample can be downloaded from the GroupWise Object API page on the NDK and viewed at MAIN.PAS.

6.8.1 Object API Objects

This application uses the following Object API objects:

6.8.2 Remarks

POP3 requires the following: NetManage OCX and the DLLs that are included with Delphi 2.01 (NMOCOD.DLL, NMORENU.DLL, NMSCKN.DLL, and POPCT.OCX).

Make sure NMOCOD.DLL and the POPCT.OCX file are registered on the machine this sample application is used on.

The POP3 interface is very basic. It does not delete any mail from the POP3 server nor does it check for duplicate messages that may have been added to your GroupWise mailbox from prior sessions.