37.3 Changing the DVA IP Address or Port Number

The DVA communicates with the other programs (GroupWise Web, the POA, and the DVA console) by way of HTTP. By default, the DVA uses the first IP address it finds on the server and listens on port 8301.

  1. Open the DVA file in a text editor.

  2. Change the IP address:

    1. Search to find the following switch:

    2. Remove the semicolon (;) to activate the setting.

    3. Specify the IP address that you want the DVA to use.

  3. Change the port number:

    1. Search to find the following switch:

    2. Remove the semicolon (;) to activate the setting.

    3. Specify the port number that you want the DVA to use.

      Worker threads are assigned port numbers ascending above the main port number +10000. For example, if you decide to use the main port number of 8301, the 5 default worker threads would be assigned ports 18302 through 18306. If any of those ports are in use, the program will detect that and use the next increment number. For more information, see Controlling Thread Usage.

  4. Save the DVA file.

  5. Skip to Putting DVA Configuration Changes into Effect.

For information about how the DVA interacts with other programs, see: