These constants identify the type of string that is returned from calling the AccountProperty of Account.
Constant |
Value |
Description |
egwAccountPropertyDomain |
0x0001 |
The domain for the user. |
egwAccountPropertyPostOffice |
0x0002 |
The Post Office for the user. |
egwAccountPOAStillAlive |
0x0003 |
Whether the POA is responding to requests. |
egwAccountLastError |
0x0004 |
The last GroupWise engine error code. |
egwAccountSpaceUsedMB |
0x0006 |
In Megabytes, the amount of disk space used by this account. |
egwAccountSpaceLimitMB |
0x0007 |
In Megabytes, the limit on disk space that can be used by this account. |
egwAccountSpaceThreshhold |
0x0008 |
As a percentage, how close to the disk space limit this account’s actual disk space used is . |
egwAccountFID |
0x0009 |
Return the GroupWise FID for this account. |
egwAccountUID |
0x000A |
Return the unique ID for the logged in user. |
egwModifySecurity |
8192 |
The user can modify security options. |
egwModifyFolders |
16384 |
The user can create or modify folders. |
egwModifyRules |
32768 |
The user can create or modify rules. |