When a certain event takes place, an event record is created to track the change in the user's database. Event types fall into six categories: address book, address book items, folder, items, login, and proxy access.
All six event categories create events record when a user's database changes. All address book and address book item events apply only to personal address books. System address book changes can be tracked outside of GroupWise events.
Most of the event types are self-descriptive. For example, AddressBookAdd is an event type. An event record with an event type of AddressBookAdd is created when a personal address book is created. There are also event types that are created when an existing item is changed. For example, AddressBookModify is an event type that is created when specific GroupWise fields (such as an email address) are changed in the user's database.
When a user sends an item to a list of users, it is a distributed item to recipients. Recipients of a distributed item can modify only a small subset of that item’s fields. For example, the personal subject and categories are the only fields that can be changed by a recipient on a received message. An event type of ItemModify is triggered on a distributed item when the personal subject or category is modified.
GroupWise personal or posted items have a larger set of fields that can be modified by the recipient. On personal or posted items, the only recipient is the sender of the item. The message body, subject, and other fields can create an ItemModify event record.
The following table lists the event categories, event names, and when a specific event occurs.
Event Category |
Event Name |
Event Occurs When... |
Address Book |
AddressBookAdd AddressBookDelete AddressBookModify |
Personal Address Book is created Personal Address Book is deleted Personal Address Book is modified |
Address Book Item |
AddressBookItemAdd AddressBookItemDelete AddressBookItemModify PersonalGroupItemAdd PersonalGroupItemDelete |
Address book item is created Address book item is deleted Address book item is modified Item is added to a personal group. Item is deleted from a personal group |
Folder |
FolderAccept FolderAdd FolderDeleted FolderItemAdd FolderItemDelete FolderItemMove FolderModify |
Shared folder is accepted Folder is added Folder is deleted Item is added to a folder Deprecated. Item is moved from one folder to another Folder is modified |
Item |
ItemAccept ItemArchive ItemComplete ItemDecline ItemDelete ItemForward ItemMarkPrivate ItemMarkUnprivate ItemMarkRead ItemMarkUnread ItemModify ItemPurge ItemReply ItemUnaccept ItemUnarchive ItemUncomplete ItemUndelete |
Calendar item is accepted Item is archived Item is marked complete Calendar item is declined Item is deleted Item is forwarded Item is marked private Item is marked as not private Item is marked read Item is marked unread Item is modified Item is purged A reply is made to the item Item is not accepted Item is unarchived Item is marked uncomplete Item is undeleted |
Login |
Login ProxyLogin TrustedApplicationLogin Logout SessionTimedOut |
User logs in to GroupWise Proxy user logs in to GroupWise Trusted Application logs in to GroupWise User logs out of GroupWise User session times out |
Proxy Access |
ProxyAccessAdd ProxyAccessDelete ProxyAccessModify |
Proxy rights granted to a user Proxy rights deleted for a user Existing proxy rights are modified |
Rule |
RuleAdd RuleDelete RuleModify RuleExecute |
A rule is created A rule is deleted A rule is modified A rule is executed |