To be able to encrypt an item and have the recipient be able to decrypt it, you must have received the recipient's public security certificate.
Make sure you have a security certificate and that you have selected the security service provider you would like to use in Security Options.
Open an item view.
Click the To box, type a username, then press Enter. Repeat for additional users.
Click to digitally sign the item.
Click to encrypt the item.
Type a subject and message.
Click Send on the toolbar.
If you receive a Recipient Certificate Not Found message when you attempt to send the item, one of the following is true: 1) You are trying to encrypt an item for a recipient and don't have his or her public certificate, 2) The e-mail address in the public certificate does not match the recipient's e-mail address, or 3) There is no e-mail address in the recipient's public certificate and the recipient's e-mail address cannot be verified.
If 1) is true, you need to obtain the recipient's public security certificate. If 2) or 3) is true, click Find Certificate to locate the recipient's certificate.