12.6 Tracking and Restricting Client Access to the Post Office

By default, the post office allows multiple versions of the GroupWise Windows and Linux/Mac clients to access it. Using the Web console available for the post office’s POA, you can see the version number of each GroupWise client that logs in to the post office in client/server access mode (TCP/IP to the POA). This information is displayed on the POA Web console’s C/S Users page. For more information, see Section 37.2, Using the POA Web Console.

IMPORTANT:Because the POA provides the version tracking and enforces the client lockout, this functionality applies only to GroupWise clients that are accessing the post office in client/server mode (not direct access mode).

To help you better monitor and track which versions of the GroupWise client are being used to access the post office, you can specify a preferred GroupWise client version for the post office. Any version that does not match the preferred version is highlighted on the POA Web console’s C/S Users page. Older versions are shown in red, and newer versions are shown in blue.

In addition, to restrict which versions of the GroupWise client can access the post office, you can choose to lock out any GroupWise clients that are older than the preferred version. If you want to lock out all GroupWise clients (for example, to rebuild the post office database), see Section 12.9, Disabling a Post Office.

To specify a preferred GroupWise client version for the post office and to enable the POA to lock out specific GroupWise client versions:

  1. In ConsoleOne, right-click the Post Office object, then click Properties.

  2. Click GroupWise > Client Access Settings to display the Client Access Settings page.

    Client Access Settings property page
  3. Fill in the following fields:

    Minimum Client Release Version: Specify the version to use as the post office’s preferred GroupWise client version. Any version that does not match the preferred version is highlighted on the POA Web console’s C/S Users page. Older versions are shown in red, and newer versions are shown in blue. The version number syntax should match what is displayed in the GroupWise client’s About GroupWise dialog box. Only version 5.5 Enhancement Pack SP1 and newer are supported.

    Minimum Client Release Date: This field is available only if you specify a release version. You can use this field to associate an expected release date with the release version. The C/S Users page highlights any dates that do not match the one entered here.

    Lock Out Older GroupWise Clients: Select this option for either or both of the above options to lock out any GroupWise clients (client/server mode only) that are older than the version and/or date specified in the Release Version and Release Date fields. For example, if you entered 8.0.0 in the Release Version field and October 24, 2008 12:00 AM in the Release Date field and selected this option for both, any GroupWise client that is older than version 8.0 or is dated before October 24, 2008 12:00 AM is not allowed access to the post office.

  4. Click OK to save the changes.