E.0 JDBC Interface Methods
This section lists the JDBC interface methods (other than java.sql.DatabaseMetaData methods) that the driver for JDBC uses. Methods are organized by class.
Often, third-party JDBC driver vendors list defects or known issues by method. You can use the following methods in collaboration with third-party JDBC driver documentation to troubleshoot or anticipate potential interoperability problems.
The following table lists java.sql.DriverManager methods that the Driver for JDBC uses:
Table E-1 java.sql.DriverManager Methods
getConnection(String url, java.util.Properties info):java.sql.Connection |
1 |
yes1 |
getConnection(String url, java.util.Properties info):java.sql.Connection |
1 |
yes1 |
setLogStream(java.io.PrintStream out):void |
1 |
no |
1One method or the other.
The following table lists java.sql.CallableStatement methods that the Driver for JDBC uses:
Table E-2 java.sql.CallableStatement Methods
getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, int scale):java.math.BigDecimal |
1 |
yes |
getBoolean(int parameterIndex):boolean |
1 |
yes |
getBoolean(String parameterName):boolean |
3 |
no |
getByte(int parameterIndex):byte |
1 |
yes |
getByte(String parameterName):byte |
3 |
no |
getBytes(int parameterIndex):byte[] |
1 |
yes |
getBytes(String parameterName):byte[] |
3 |
no |
getDate(int parameterIndex):java.sql.Date |
1 |
yes |
getDate(String parameterName):java.sql.Date |
3 |
no |
getDouble(int parameterIndex):double |
1 |
yes |
getDouble(String parameterName):double |
3 |
no |
getFloat(int parameterIndex):float |
1 |
yes |
getFloat(String parameterName):float |
3 |
no |
getInt(int parameterIndex):int |
1 |
yes |
int getInt(String parameterName) |
3 |
no |
getLong(int parameterIndex):long |
1 |
yes |
getLong(String parameterName):long |
3 |
no |
getShort(int parameterIndex):short |
1 |
yes |
getShort(String parameterName):short |
3 |
no |
getString(int parameterIndex):String |
1 |
yes |
getString(String parameterName):String |
3 |
no |
getTime(int parameterIndex):java.sql.Time |
1 |
yes |
getTime(String parameterName):java.sql.Time |
3 |
no |
getTimestamp(int parameterIndex):java.sql.Timestamp |
1 |
yes |
getTimestamp(String parameterName):java.sql.Timestamp |
3 |
no |
registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType):void |
1 |
yes |
wasNull():boolean |
1 |
yes |
The following table lists java.sql.Connection methods that the driver for JDBC uses:
Table E-3 java.sql.Connection Methods
close():void |
1 |
yes |
commit():void |
1 |
no |
createStatement():java.sql.Statement |
1 |
yes |
getAutoCommit():boolean |
1 |
no |
getMetaData():java.sql.DatabaseMetaData |
1 |
yes |
getTransactionIsolation():int |
1 |
no |
getWarnings():java.sql.SQLWarning |
1 |
no |
isClosed():boolean |
1 |
no |
prepareCall(String sql):java.sql.CallableStatement |
1 |
no |
prepareStatement(String sql):java.sql.PreparedStatement |
1 |
yes |
rollback():void |
1 |
no |
setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit):void |
1 |
no |
setTransactionIsolation(int level):void |
1 |
no |
The following table lists java.sql.PreparedStatement methods that the Driver for JDBC uses:
Table E-4 java.sql.PreparedStatement Methods
clearParameters() :void |
1 |
no |
execute():boolean |
1 |
yes |
executeQuery():java.sql.ResultSet |
1 |
yes |
executeUpdate():int |
1 |
yes |
setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, java.math.BigDecimal x):void |
1 |
yes |
setBoolean(int parameterIndex, boolean x):void |
1 |
yes |
setByte(int parameterIndex, byte x):void |
1 |
yes |
setBytes(int parameterIndex, byte x[]):void |
1 |
yes |
setDate(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Date x):void |
1 |
yes |
setDouble(int parameterIndex, double x):void |
1 |
yes |
setFloat(int parameterIndex, float x):void |
1 |
yes |
setInt(int parameterIndex, int x):void |
1 |
yes |
setLong(int parameterIndex, long x):void |
1 |
yes |
setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType):void |
1 |
yes |
setShort(int parameterIndex, short x):void |
1 |
yes |
setString(int parameterIndex, String x):void |
1 |
yes |
setTime(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Time x):void |
1 |
yes |
setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Timestamp x):void |
1 |
yes |
The following table lists java.sql.ResultSet methods that the Driver for JDBC uses:
Table E-5 java.sql.ResultSet Methods
close():void |
1 |
yes |
getBigDecimal(int columnIndex, int scale):java.math.BigDecimal |
1 |
yes |
getBigDecimal(String columnName, int scale):java.math.BigDecimal |
1 |
yes |
getBinaryStream(int columnIndex):java.io.InputStream |
1 |
yes |
getBinaryStream(String columnName)java.io.InputStream |
1 |
yes |
getBoolean(int columnIndex):boolean |
1 |
yes |
getBoolean(String columnName):boolean |
1 |
yes |
getByte(int columnIndex):byte |
1 |
yes |
getByte(String columnName):byte |
1 |
yes |
getBytes(int columnIndex):byte[] |
1 |
yes |
getBytes(String columnName):byte[] |
1 |
yes |
getDate(int columnIndex):java.sql.Date |
1 |
yes |
getDate(String columnName)java.sql.Date |
1 |
yes |
getFloat(int columnIndex):float |
1 |
yes |
getFloat(String columnName):float |
1 |
yes |
getInt(int columnIndex):int |
1 |
yes |
getInt(String columnName):int |
1 |
yes |
getLong(int columnIndex):long |
1 |
yes |
getLong(String columnName):long |
1 |
yes |
getMetaData():java.sql.ResultSetMetaData |
1 |
no |
getShort(int columnIndex):short |
1 |
yes |
getShort(String columnName):short |
1 |
yes |
getString(int columnIndex):String |
1 |
yes |
getString(String columnName):String |
1 |
yes |
getTime(int columnIndex):java.sql.Time |
1 |
yes |
getTime(String columnName):java.sql.Time |
1 |
yes |
getTimestamp(int columnIndex):java.sql.Timestamp |
1 |
yes |
getTimestamp(String columnName):java.sql.Timestamp |
1 |
yes |
getWarnings():java.sql.SQLWarning |
1 |
no |
The following table lists java.sql.ResultSetMetaData methods that the Driver for JDBC uses:
Table E-6 java.sql.ResultSetMetaData Methods
getColumnCount():int |
1 |
yes |
getColumnName(int column):String |
1 |
no |
getColumnType(int column):int |
1 |
no |
The following table lists java.sql.Statement methods that the Driver for JDBC uses:
Table E-7 java.sql.Statement Methods
addBatch(java.lang.String sql):void |
2 |
no |
clearBatch():void |
2 |
no |
clearWarnings():void |
1 |
no |
close():void |
1 |
yes |
execute(java.lang.String sql):boolean |
1 |
yes |
executeBatch():int[] |
2 |
no |
executeUpdate(String sql):int |
1 |
yes |
executeQuery(String sql):java.sql.ResultSet |
1 |
yes |
getGeneratedKeys():java.sql.ResultSet |
3 |
no |
getMoreResults():boolean |
1 |
no |
getResultSet():java.sql.ResultSet |
1 |
yes |
getUpdateCount():int |
1 |
no |
getWarnings():java.sql.SQLWarning |
1 |
no |
The following table lists java.sql.Timestamp methods that the Driver for JDBC uses:
Table E-8 java.sql.Timestamp Methods
getNanos():int |
1 |
yes |
getTime():long |
1 |
yes |
setNanos(int n):void |
1 |
yes |
setTime(long time):void |
1 |
yes |
toString ():String |
1 |
yes |