12.1 Event Log Columns

This section describes columns in the event log table. Columns are ordered by position.

  1. record_id

    The record_id column is used to uniquely identify rows in the event log table and order publication events. This column must contain sequential, ascending, positive, unique integer values. Gaps between record_id values no longer prematurely end a polling cycle.

  2. table_key

    Format values for this column exactly the same in all triggers for a logical database class. The BNF or Backus Naur Form of this parameter is defined below:

    <table-key> ::= <unique-row-identifier> {"+" 
    <unique-row-identifier> ::= <primary-key-column-name> "=" <value>

    For example, for the usr table referenced throughout this chapter, this column’s value might be idu=1.

    For the view_usr view referenced throughout this chapter, this column’s value might be pk_empno=1.

    For a hypothetical compound primary key (one containing multiple columns), this column’s value might be pkey1=value1+pkey2=value2.

    NOTE:If primary key values placed in the table_key field contains any of the special characters {, ; ' + " = \ < >}, where ’{’ and ’}’ contain the set of special characters, delimit the value with double quotes. You’ll also need to escape the double quote character " as \" and the literal escape character \ character as \\ when contained inside a pair of double quotes.

    For a hypothetical primary key containing special characters, this column’s value might be pkey=", ; ' + \" = \\ < >". (Note the double quotes and escaped characters.)

    NOTE:Differences in padding or formatting might result in out-of-order event processing. For performance reasons, remove any unnecessary white space from numeric values. For example, "idu=1" is preferred over "idu= 1". (Note the space in “idu= 1”.)

  3. status

    The status column indicates the state of a given row. The following table lists permitted values:

    Table 12-1 Permitted Values for Status Columns

    Character Value












    To be processed, all rows inserted into the event log table must have a status value of N. The remainder of the status characters are used solely by the Publisher channel to designate processed rows. All other characters are reserved for future use.

    NOTE:Status values are case sensitive.

  4. event_type

    Values in this column must be between 1 and 8. All other numbers are reserved for future use.

    The following table describes each event type:

    Table 12-2 Event Types

    Event Type



    insert field


    update field


    update field (remove all values)


    delete row


    insert row (query-back)


    update row (query-back)


    insert field (query-back)


    update field (query-back)

    For additional information on this field, see Section 12.2, Event Types.

  5. event_time

    This column serves as an alternative ordering column to record_id. It contains the effective date of the event. It must not be NULL. For this column to become the ordering column, set the Enable Future Event Processing parameter to Boolean True. See Enable Future Event Processing?.

  6. perpetrator

    This column identifies the database user who instigated the event. A NULL value is interpreted as a user other than the driver user. As such, rows with a NULL value or value not equal to the driver’s database username are published. Rows with a value equal to the driver’s database username are not published unless the Allow Loopback Publisher parameter is set to Boolean True. See Allow Loopback?.

  7. table_name

    The name of the table or view where the event occurred.

  8. column_name

    The name of the column that was changed. This column is used only for per-field (1-3, 7-8) event types. Nevertheless, it must always be present in the event log table. If it is missing, the Publisher channel cannot start.

  9. old_value

    The field’s old value. This column is used only for per-field, non-query-back event types (1-3). Nevertheless, it must always be present in the event log table. If it is missing, the Publisher channel cannot start.

  10. new_value

    The field’s new value. This column is used only by per-field, non-query-back event types (1-3). Nevertheless, it must always be present in the event log table. If it is missing, the Publisher channel cannot start.