F.7 August 2009

Updates were made to the following section. The changes are explained below.

F.7.1 Multi-Level Administration

The following change was made to this section:

Table F-3 Multi-Level Administration



Multi-level administration

Added a new section on Multi-Level Administration. This section describes the concept of primary and secondary administrators.

F.7.2 Active Directory Integration for iFolder

The following change was made to this section:

Table F-4 Active Directory Integration for iFolder



Section 5.4, Active Directory

Modified the existing content to delete existing workarounds for Active Directory integration with iFolder.

F.7.3 Installation of iFolder on SLED and Windows Using ZENworks

The following change was made to this section:

Table F-5 Installation of iFolder on SLED and Windows Using ZENworks



Installation of iFolder on SLED using ZENworks Linux Management

Added a new section on installation of iFolder on SLED using ZENworks.

Installation of iFolder on Windows using ZENworks Configuration Management

Added a new section on installation of iFolder on Windows using ZENworks.