Assigning RBS Role Membership and Scope

Once you have defined the RBS roles needed in your organization, you can assign members to each role. In doing so, you specify the scope in which each member can exercise the functions of the role. The scope is the location or context in the eDirectory tree where this role can be performed.

Roles can be assigned to the following objects:

A member can perform multiple roles and tasks. You can also assign the same task to multiple members.

  1. Click the Configure button Configure button.

  2. Click Role Management > Modify Role.

  3. Click Members icon in the Members column of the role you want to modify.

  4. In the Name field, specify an object name (a User, Group, or Container object) > click Add.

    To assign this role to multiple objects, repeat this step as many times as necessary.

  5. In the Name column, select the check box to the left of the object you just added.

    To assign the same scope to multiple members, select the names of all the members you want to have this scope in the Name column.

  6. In the Scope field, specify a scope (Organization or Organizational Unit object name and context) for a selected Name > click Add.

    Every object name you add must have a scope to designate the context in the tree that will be affected by that object.

  7. Click OK.