F.1 iCM with iPrint Appliance

iPrint Appliance does not support traditional iCM with the Novell Client. iPrint Appliance supports iCM using Windows Local/AD credentials.

For more information on using Windows Local/AD credentials for iCM, see the Configuring iCM for Windows / Active Directory (AD) environments without Novell Client section in the iPrint Linux Administration Guide.

In order for iPrint clients to use the Windows Local/AD credentials for iCM, the following conditions must be met:

IMPORTANT:For the user accounts imported from OES, iCM settings are not migrated. You must reassign the iCM settings on iPrint Appliance for the OES user accounts.

To configure the iCM attributes:

  1. On a Web browser, use either the DNS name or the IP Address to access iManager. For example, or https://iprint.example.com/nps.

  2. Specify admin as the user name.

  3. Specify the password, then click Login.

  4. In the left pane, under Roles and Tasks, click Rights.

  5. Click Modify Trustees.

  6. Under Object name, click the search icon, then choose the entire tree.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click the Assigned Rights link next to the Public domain.

  9. Click the Add Property button in the upper right of the table.

  10. In the Add Property pop-up window, select Show all properties in schema.

  11. In the Property name box, select the attributes listed above, then click OK.

  12. Select the Inherit check box next to the attributes you added.

  13. Click Done.