Depending on how your email application is configured, it may require that Vibe outbound email be configured with TLS over SMTP for secure email. Novell GroupWise, for example, can be configured to require this. If you are using GroupWise or another email application that requires this type of configuration, you can configure Vibe with TLS over SMTP by using STARTTLS.
NOTE:In the Vibe installation program, on the Outbound Email Configuration page, ensure that you have selected SMTP in the Protocol drop-down list. For more information about outbound email configuration in the Vibe installation program, see Gathering Outbound Email Information
in the Kablink Vibe 4 Installation Guide.
To configure outbound email with TLS over SMTP:
Import the certificate from the email server into the Vibe Java keystore file (cacerts).
The default location for the Java keystore file is:
Linux: |
/usr/java/jdkversion/jre/lib/security |
Windows: |
c:\Program Files\Java\jdkversion\jre/lib/security |
Change to the following directory:
Linux: |
/opt/novell/teaming/apache-tomcat/ conf/Catalina/localhost |
Windows: |
c:\Program Files\Novell\Teaming\apache-tomcat\ conf\Catalina\localhost |
Open the ssf.xml file in a text editor.
Add the following attribute to the resource node that begins with <Resource name="mail/SiteScapePool" (this is the first resource node in the list):
(Optional) To enable tracing of sent email to assist with debugging mail issues, add the following attribute to the same resource node:
Stop and restart Vibe.