If you have granted a user access to a file through sharing, you can modify or revoke the user’s access.
Click Shared by Me from any Vibe page.
Sharing a workspace or folder:
Click the Configure icon next to the workspace or folder title being shared with one or more users whose access you want to modify or remove, then click Share this Workspace or Share this Folder.
Sharing multiple entries (Files, Discussions, and Tasks folders only): Select one or more items being shared with one or more users whose access you want to modify or remove, then click Share. (In Files folders, click Share again.)
Sharing single entries:
Click the drop-down arrow next to the entry, folder, or workspace being shared with one or more users whose access you want to modify or remove, then click Share Entry.
If the drop-down arrow is not available, open the entry, then click Actions > Share this Entry.
The Share dialog box is displayed.
(Conditional) To modify user access:
Select the users whose access rights you want to change, then select the new level of access in the Access Rights section.
You can choose from the following rights:
Viewer: Users can view individual entries, folders, and workspaces that are shared with them; users can view the contents of the folders and workspaces that are shared with them.
Editor: Users can view and modify individual entries, folders, and workspaces that are shared with them; users can modify the contents of the folders and workspaces that are shared with them.
Contributor (Folders and Workspaces, not Entries): Users can rename or delete the shared folder or workspace. Users can create entries in the folder or workspace, rename existing entries, modify entries, move entries, and delete entries inside the folder or workspace.
In the Allow re-share with section, select whether you want them to be able to share with internal users, external users, the public, or via a File Link.
In the Expires field, select from the following options:
Never: The share never expires.
On: Select a given day for the rights to expire.
Rights expire at the beginning of the day that you select.
After: Specify a certain number of days for the rights to remain active.
Each day is counted as a 24-hour period from the time that you set the expiration.
If you want to include a personal note in the share, specify a note in the Note field.
Only the users and groups that you share with can read the note.
The share note cannot exceed 255 characters in length.
(Conditional) To remove user access, select the share that you want to remove, then click Delete.
Click OK.