Tags are keywords that categorize a workspace, folder, or folder entry. The tagging functionality in Kablink Vibe enables you to create virtual containers for places and entries. Like folders in your email, you can categorize information, and then come back to it at a later time.
In the entry that you want to tag, click the Tags tab.
Click Add Tags.
Select either Personal Tag or Global Tag, depending on whether you want this tag to be visible to only yourself or to the entire community.
For more information about the difference between personal and community tags, see Section 3.6.4, Choosing Between Personal Tags and Global Tags.
Begin typing the name of the tag that you want to apply to the workspace or folder.
This field uses type-to-find functionality, so if a tag already exists with the desired name, it appears in the drop-down list. If the name does not appear in the drop-down list, you are creating a new tag.
HINT:To see a list of existing tags, click inside the provided field, then press the Spacebar.
(Conditional) To apply an existing tag, select the tag when it appears in the drop-down list.
(Conditional) To create a new tag, specify the name of the tag, then click the Add icon .
The entry is now marked with the tag that you specified, and the tag is displayed in the Tag this Entry dialog box.
Click OK.
For more information on tagging, see Section 3.6, Using Tags.