Welcome to Kablink Vibe 4.0. You’ll find new features, a fresh user interface, and significant updates. This section provides a list of new features. For a list of advanced features that are new in Kablink Vibe, see What’s New in Vibe 4.0
in the Kablink Vibe 4.0.1 Advanced User Guide.
Section A.1, Sharing Improvements
Section A.2, Folder Look and Feel Improvements
Section A.3, Browser History Support
Section A.4, Download Folder Contents as a CSV File
Section A.5, Mark All Entries in a Folder as Read or Unread
Section A.6, Enhanced Drag-and-Drop Functionality
Section A.7, Enhancements to Filters
Section A.8, Ability to Hide Accessories in a Folder
Section A.9, Enhanced Pinning for Discussion Entries
Section A.10, Unfollow People and Places From the What’s New Area
Section A.11, Vibe Desktop Application Improvements
Section A.12, New Change Password Dialog
Section A.13, Mobile App Look and Feel Improvements