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Meet System and Software Requirements

You can run Migration Wizard either from the Windows NT 4 server that you are migrating data from or from a Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000 workstation. However, the migration is faster if you run Migration Wizard from the server rather than from the workstation because the files are copied directly from server-to-server rather than via the client workstation.

Make sure you have the following NT permissions:

Make sure you have the Supervisor right to the NetWare destination server.

The following table lists the hardware and software requirements for the workstation or server that you are using to run Migration Wizard.

Platform Hardware Software

Windows NT 4 and Windows NT 2000 workstations

Minimum hardware requirements of Windows NT 4 and 2000 workstations

Novell ClientTM for Windows NT 4 and 2000 version 4.8 or later

Microsoft* Service Pack 6 or later

Windows NT 4 server

Minimum hardware requirements of Windows NT 4

Novell Client for Windows NT version 4.8 or later

Microsoft Service Pack 6 or later

To check the Microsoft Service Pack version, click Start > Run, type winver in the text field, and then click OK. To download and install Microsoft Service Packs, see the ZDNet Web site.

To check your current Novell Client version, right-click the N icon on your workstation and click Novell Client Properties > Client. To download the Novell Client, see the Novell Download Web site.

Continue with the next section, "Perform Prerequisite Tasks."

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