1.10 Can all the VPN servers be on the same eDirectory tree?

eDirectory™ synchronization does not happen if any of the tunnels do not come up properly. It is recommended that you do not bring up the VPN services as soon as you install Novell BorderManager.


Do the following to deploy:

  1. Install and configure Novell BorderManager on all the servers.

    NOTE:Do not start the VPN services.

  2. Add the members to the VPN master server.

  3. Check the synchronization status of the eDirectory on all the services either using the ndsiMonitor or dstrace.

  4. Start the VPN services on all the machines after the synchronization is complete.

To test your configuration, verify the VPN servers status from the Novell Remote Manager and make sure all the servers are in up-to-date.

IMPORTANT:If the eDirectory synchronization fails, VPN network does not come up. It affects other services too.