7.3 Viewing the NFS Gateway Mounted Volumes

The NFS Gateway Mounted Volumes page lets you view and edit the list of NFS Gateway mounted volumes, view the mount parameters, and execute mount operations.

  1. On the NFS Gateway Mounted Volumes page, select a volume from the List of Gateway volumes.

    NFS Gateway Mounted Volumes page
  2. View the mount level parameters of the selected volume. You can view mount status, general parameters, and advanced parameters.

  3. In the Advanced section, click the NFS/RPC, Log, or Advanced links to display a list showing the NFS/RPC, Log, or Additional parameters of the selected volume.

  4. In the Operations section, click any of the following operations buttons to perform the required operation:




    Allows you to import a new Gateway volume.


    Removes the volume from the gystart.ncf file and dismounts it if it is mounted.

    Enable or Disable

    Disables or enables the selected volume in the gateway volume list. It updates the gystart.ncf file and also mounts or dismounts the volume if gateway is running


    Displays the NFS Gateway mount parameters page that allows you to modify volume parameters.

  5. Click Refresh to refresh the user interface with the Gateway parameters from the back end.


    Click Cancel to return to NFS Gateway Properties page.