11.11 Enabling UTF-8 Encoding Support for Clients

UTF-8 encoding support for clients makes it possible to access multiple language files from an NCP™ client without changing the code page on either the NCP client or the NetWare server. ArkManager uses UTF-8 encoding for filenames. If the language code pages of the NCP client and server are different, and if you are using an older version of the Novell Client™, the server conveys an incorrect filename to the archive database. In turn, the archive server presents unfamiliar filenames to the user who is trying to restore file versions.

To prevent the code page problem, upgrade your NCP clients to use the Novell Client in this release of Open Enterprise Server, which provides UTF-8 support, then enable the UTF-8 service. CIFS clients have included UTF-8 encoding support since NetWare 6.0 SP 2 and NetWare 6.5.

To enable the UTF-8 service:

  1. Install or upgrade to the newest Novell Client in OES NetWare.

  2. Log in to the Novell Client.

  3. To open the Novell Client Configuration window, right-click the Novell Client icon in the system taskbar and then click Novell Client Properties.

  4. Click Advanced Settings.

  5. In Parameter Groups, select Use UTF-8 Encoding and NCPs.

  6. In Setting, set the value to On to enable this service.

  7. Click OK to apply the setting.

  8. When prompted, reboot the client machine.