C.0 POSIX File System Support in OES Linux

This section provides information regarding the TSAFS support of POSIX-compliant file systems like ReiserFS, Ext2, Ext3, and XFS file systems on the OES Linux. These file systems are sometimes referred to in the document as non-NSS file systems.

POSIX-compliant means file systems that comply to the IEEE Std 1003.1 system interfaces. For more information, See Open Group Publications Web site.

The following table lists metadata that is backed up or restored to non-NSS file systems on OES Linux. The table uses the definition of metadata structure fields from the definition of the structure stat. (See man page stat(2) for more information)




Mode of the file, including File types and File access permissions


Number of hard links to the file


User ID of the file


Group ID of the file


Size of the file


Time of last access


Time of last data modification

File Types

Additionally, TSAFS also backs up the following information for a file or directory (when applicable),

For more information on extended ACLs, see POSIX Access Control Lists on Linux.

For more information on file attributes on a Linux second extended file system, see man page chattr(1), installed by the RPM e2fsprogs.

POSIX Compliant File Systems Limitations