9.12 Adding a Volume Entry to the VLDB (Linux)

DFS automatically adds volume entries to the VLDB when the DFS management context is initially created, when you create a new NSS volume, and during a VLDB repair process. Entries are not automatically added when you add a server with existing volumes to a container in a DFS management context or when you create an NCP volume. To add them, you must run the vldb repair command, which walks the tree and discovers the new volumes.

For OES 2 Linux replica sites, you can optionally add an entry for a volume by using the vldb add command instead. This might be faster than running the vldb repair command, particularly when you have a large tree but only a few entries that need to be modified. If the volume’s eDirectory Volume object already contains a DFS GUID attribute, this GUID is added to the VLDB. Otherwise, this command generates a DFS GUID for the volume and stores it in the Volume object and in the VLDB.

To issue the Add command:

The action results and errors are displayed on the console from which the operation is done, and are written to the /var/log/messages file.

  1. On the OES 2 Linux replica site, open a terminal console, then log in as the root user.

  2. At the terminal console prompt, view the current list of VLDB volume entries by entering

    vldb list

    For each volume entry, the server name, volume name, and DFS GUID are displayed.

  3. Visually verify that the volume does not already have an entry in the VLDB.

  4. Add an entry for the volume to the in-memory VLDB by entering

    vldb add svrname volname

    Replace svrname with the fully distinguished server name (such as .server151.example.com.). Replace volname with the name of the volume (such as DATA).

    For example, enter

    vldb add .svr151.example.com. DATA

    After successful authentication, the operation is performed on the in-memory VLDB, then is synchronized to the VLDB on the disk.

    If you have a second VLDB replica site, the changes you make to the VLDB database on the disk are automatically synchronized to the second site. The second replica can be on a Linux or NetWare server.