Changing Printer Driver Default Install Options

You can choose the default settings for a printer driver when it is installed on the workstation. For example, in a law office you might want the default paper size to be 8-1/2 x 14. This means every time the printer and corresponding driver are installed on a workstation, the paper size is set to 8-1/2 x 14.

To set modify the printer's default settings, you must use the iPrint Map Designer where you can specify a variety of printer settings. The following table shows the different settings and corresponding values. For more information on the iPrint Map Designer, see Creating Location-based Maps with iPrint Map Designer .

Printer Setting Acceptable Parameter Values


landscape, portrait


letter, lettersmall, tabloid, ledger, legal, statement, executive, A3, A4, A4small, A5, B4, B5, folio, quatro, 10x14, 11x17, note, env_9, env_10, env_11, env_12, env_14, csheet, dsheet, esheet, env_dl, env_c4, env_c5, env_c6, env_c3, env_c65, env_b4, env_b5, env_b6, env_italy, env_monarch, env_personal, fanfold_us, fanfold_std_german, fanfold_lgl_german, iso_b4, japanese_postcard, 9x11, 10x11, 15x11, env_invite, letter_extra, legal_extra, tabloid_extra, letter_transverse, A4_extra, letter_extra_transverse, a_plus, b_plus, letter_plus, A4_plus, A4_transverse, A5_transverse, B5_transverse, A3_extra, A5_extra, B5_extra, A2, A3_transverse, A3_extra_transverse


The number of copies you want printed.



no or false=monochrome


simplex, horizontal, vertical


yes or true=collate

no=do not collate