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Use at the server console to allow a CD-ROM disk to function as a Novell® Storage ServicesTM (NSS) volume. Your NSSTM volume will mount immediately.

This version of CDROM replaces the version used in previous NetWare® releases. (The previous version of CDROM is now named CDINST.NLM and should be used only for NetWare 5 installation.)

The NetWare 6 version of CDROM is a simple NetWare module that loads the following:



You can load NSS, CD9660.NSS, or CDHFS.NSS separately if preferred.

You can use CDINST.NLM as long as CD9660.NSS or CDHFS.NSS are not loaded at the same time.


IMPORTANT:  Use CD-ROM as a read-only NSS volume. Don't enable block suballocation or use file compression on the volume.

Additional Information

Topic See

NSS volumes

Other Volumes That NSS Creates in the NSS section of the NetWare 6 online documentation

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