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Use at the server console from the DOS prompt to


SERVER [parameter]

Parameter Use to

-s [path]filename.NCF

Specify an alternative to STARTUP.NCF. Replace filename with the name of the alternate file. (The file extension must be .NCF)

The system looks for the file in the current boot directory, unless you specify a path.


Prevent the autoexec.ncf file that you created in INSTALL from executing.

This parameter is useful if you are changing drivers or other commands in your AUTOEXEC.NCF file.


Prevent the STARTUP.NCF and AUTOEXEC.NCF files created in INSTALL from executing.

This parameter is useful for changing the boot process.


Prevent the logo (server splash graphic) from displaying while server components are loading in the background.


Additional Information

Topic See

Restarting server execution from the console prompt


Bringing the server down

Starting and Stopping the Server

Editing .ncf files

Using Server Batch Files

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