16.1 Managing AFP Connections

By querying or listing all open connections, you can understand how many sessions are opened at any moment. The details for each connection include the session ID, client IP address, user name, user login time, consolidated list of read/write requests, access mode, and total number of other requests received. You can drill down to extract per-connection details, such as the group that the user is a member of.

If the connections are stale and persistent (for example, if there is no activity for a considerable amount of time), this session occupies a considerable chunk of memory. In this scenario, the administrator can close the connection/session based on the qualitative analysis of various connection parameters dumped by the new commands/options that are introduced.

Table 16-2 AFP Connections Parameters



Access mode

Indicates the mode in which the AFP server has opened the file on behalf of the user.


Indicates that the right to delete or rename the file is denied for all other connections.

Desired access

Specifies the access modes that the client has requested.


Indicates that the right to read data from the file is denied.


Indicates that the right to write data into the file is denied.


Indicates that the right to delete or rename the file is denied for this connection.


Indicates that the right to read data from the file is granted.

Shared access

Specifies the sharing modes that the client has requested, that is, how the file should be shared with other users.


Indicates that the right to write data into the file is granted.

  1. Log in to Novell Remote Manager as the root user.

  2. Click Manage AFP Services > Manage Connections to display the AFP Connections page.

  3. You can perform the following tasks for open connections on an AFP server:

    • Status of Open Connections: The AFP Connection List table displays the connection number, name of user accessing the connection, reads and writes for each connection, AFP requests by each connection, and login time details for the connection.

    • View Connection Information: Click the connection name to view more details of a specific connection.

    • Close Connections: Select the connections you want to close, then click Close. This closes the connection immediately, closes its open files, and allows no other file operations to be performed. Ensure that you close any open files before closing the associated connection; otherwise, the user might lose unsaved data for the file.