8.8 Deleting File Versions

You can select the file and delete all the versions from the archive database. deleting the file provides free space on the archive volume.

Administrators can delete file versions for a variety of reasons, such as the following:

Deleting a Specified File or Directory Version Set

Use the NSS File Versions Utility or the NetStorage Archive function to locate and delete a selected file version set or a selected directory version and its contents from the archive database. For information, see OES 2 SP3: Novell Archive and Version Services 2.1 User Guide.

Deleting Older File Versions

Modify the Maximum Keep Time, Maximum Keep Versions, or Keep Current Copy settings in the job’s Delete Policy settings to delete only the older file versions in the archive database. For information, see Section 7.7, Editing a Job’s Properties.

Deleting All File Versions for a Job

Delete and purge the job to remove all of its file versions from the archive database. For information, see the following: