1.1 Overview

XAttr Extension uses the common Linux getxattr and setxattr functions and adds a new netware.metadata and netware.metadata2 extended attributes to access additional file metadata that is not available by using other command line options.

The netware.metadata2 extended attribute has been introduced in OES beginning with OES 2015. It has the zNW_metadata2_s structure that supports both Active Directory and eDirectory users.

Basically, you call getxattr to read your file attributes and one of its parameters points to the zNW_metadata_s structure that returns the extended metadata. You can then save this data to a backup location. The zNW_metadata_s structure supports only eDirectory users.

To restore or set the extended metadata, call setxattr, specifying which fields you want to modify.

By calling these two functions, you can read, modify, back up, and restore all the metadata for your file. For more information on using getxattr and setxattr, see Section 2.0, Functions.