5.9 Removing the NCS Configuration Information from a Node

You can use the /opt/novell/ncs/install/ncs_install.py -r script to remove Novell Cluster Services configuration information from a node to return it to a preconfigured state. This is useful for the following scenarios:

  • If the Novell Cluster Services configuration is unsuccessful, you might have a partial configuration that prevents you from properly configuring the node for a cluster.

  • You want to move a node from one cluster to another cluster.

If this is a one-node cluster and you created an SBD, you must delete the SBD partition (and possibly reinitialize if it is a standalone disk). If the SBD is mirrored, delete both the mirror and the SBD partition before you reconfigure the cluster for the single-node.

After you remove the cluster configuration information, you can start over with the configuration of Novell Cluster Services on the node.

  1. Log in as the root user to the node that you want to manage, then open a terminal console.

  2. In a text editor, create a text file, specify the credentials for the Novell Cluster Services cluster in it, then save the file.

    This file contains a password in clear text. For security reasons, ensure that you delete the file when you are done.

    The following lines are an example of the content of a file, with sample values. The directives are self-explanatory.

    IMPORTANT:Ensure that you change the values inside the quotation marks to the actual settings for your cluster.

  3. If the node is configured and working in a cluster, leave the cluster. At a command prompt, enter

    cluster leave

    This cluster migrates any resources running on the node to other nodes in the cluster. When the node has successfully left the cluster, the following message is displayed:

    No longer a member of cluster cluster_name
  4. Stop Novell Cluster Services if it is running. At the command prompt, enter

    rcnovell-ncs stop

    Wait until the service has been unloaded.

    Stopping Novell Cluster Services
    This node is not a member of the cluster
    #                                                              |
    #  Please wait for the Novell Cluster Services KOs to unload   |
    #                                                              |
    Novell Cluster Services Unloaded
  5. At the command prompt, enter

    /opt/novell/ncs/install/ncs_install.py -r [-f <configuration_file_name>]

    Without the -f option or applicable variables in the configuration file, /opt/novell/ncs/install/ncs_install.py prompts you to enter needed information.

  6. You can check the return code (echo $?) of the command to see if the command is successful (0). Detailed log information is appended to /var/opt/novell/install/ncslog.

    07/16/13 13:19:49: *** Starting NCS Post-Install ***
    07/16/13 13:19:49: config type is: Existing Cluster.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: ldap ip is:
    07/16/13 13:19:49: ldap port is: 636.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: ldap server list is: ldaps://
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Admin dn is: cn=admin,o=novell.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: serverName is: myserver.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: serverDn is: cn=myserver,O=novell.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: server IP is:
    07/16/13 13:19:49: cluster dn is: cn=cl134,ou=ncs,o=novell.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Extend schema flag is: False.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Create cluster object flag is: False.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Add node flag is: False.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Delete node flag is: True.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Create node name file flag is: False.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Create cluster lib config file flag is: False.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Create SBD flag is: False.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Start requested flag is: False.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: DSFW Enabled is: False.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Set Proxy User: False.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Binding to LDAP server ...
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Deleting server 'cn=myserver,O=novell' from cluster 'cn=cl134,ou=ncs,o=novell' ...
    07/16/13 13:19:49: Server 'cn=myserver,O=novell' deleted from cluster 'cn=cl134,ou=ncs,o=novell'.
    07/16/13 13:19:49: *** Ending NCS Post-Install ***
  7. Configure Novell Cluster Services on the node as described in Section 5.5, Configuring Novell Cluster Services.