2.7 What’s New or Changed in CIFS (OES 2015 SP1)

In addition to bug fixes, CIFS provides the following enhancements and changes in OES 2015 SP1:

Salvage and Purge Support for Active Directory and eDirectory Users

CIFS is enhanced to support Active Directory and eDirectory users for performing salvage and purge operation through NFARM utility. For example, Active Directory and eDirectory users can recover or permanently delete the files or folders that are already deleted.

Enabling DFS Using novcifs Command

Using command line, you can enable or disable DFS support for the CIFS server. By default, this option is disabled. For more information, see Command Line Utility for CIFS in the OES 2015 SP1: Novell CIFS for Linux Administration Guide.

Multi-Forest Support for AD Users

CIFS can be managed in a multi-forest environment.